Automatic disc cutting circular shears
TIMAC’s automatic TZZ-type disc cutting circular shears makes it possible to make zig-zag cuts from a coil of sheet metal, without adding fixed blades, Thanks to the rotating upper and lower blades, it is possible to create any disc diameter. This patented system guarantees the highest cutting quality. Using the blades, they cut disks from sheet metal, starting from the coil, either in a single row in the belt feed direction or in several rows in the cross direction, thus optimizing disk placement to minimize waste. They have programmable NC functions and movements driven by brushless motors. They allow connection to a belt feed unit and scrap shears. Hourly production reaches 550 disks/hour; material savings of up to 7-9%. Maximum cutting thickness: 4 mm for steel R = 400 N / mm2. The entire lower blade has the same diameter of the disc to be produced.